Performance Marketing Agency Services DACH |
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Go-to-market Strategie für SaaS und IT Unternehmen in Deutschland & DACH

Go-to-market strategy for SaaS and IT businesses in German speaking markets

Go-to-market strategy for SaaS and IT businesses in Germany
Go-to-market Strategie für SaaS und IT Unternehmen in Deutschland & DACH

Performance Marketing 
Agency Services for SaaS-, IT- and Tech-Companies

Go-to-market strategy for SaaS and IT businesses in Germany

Performance Marketing Agency Services
for SaaS, IT and Tech

Win new customers, increase your signup and trial-to-paid conversions, identify successful conversion channels or simply make your brand better known: GROWSaaS as a Performance Marketing Agency offers extensive data-based, measurable Performance Marketing measures
for SaaS, IT and Tech companies.

GROWSaas - Your Performance Marketing Agency

GROWSaaS as a Performance Marketing Agency for B2B SaaS and IT companies advises and supports companies worldwide or with a focus on the German-speaking DACH market (Germany, Austria & Switzerland) in developing their measurable Performance Marketing Strategy, creating Performance Marketing Campaigns on Google, LinkedIn, XING, Facebook or Bing, in German or English language and also supports with the technical control of the ads, the optimization, and reporting of the campaign results.


We ensure that your ad budget is used effectively (don't worry, we handled ad budgets of up to 2M US$/year, so we know what to do) while always keeping an eye on your marketing goals. We build the entire Performance Marketing Strategy on your individual company goals for the target market in order to achieve successful results.


After defining your Performance Marketing Campaign goals, our focus is on measurable interactions with the defined target group of a campaign, the so-called Key Performance Indicators (KPI) such as ad impressions, click through rate (CTR), cost per mille (CPM), cost per click (CPC), cost per lead (CPL), conversion rate (CR) or cost per acquisition (CPA). The goals are to increase traffic to your landing page or website, as well as conversion optimization and the generation of leads, sign-ups, resource downloads, demo or contact requests, or simply improving brand awareness.

An important goal of GROWSaaS as a Performance Marketing Agency is to make the results of your marketing initiatives visible. That's why we continuously check the effectiveness of the campaigns with the help of Google Analytics, Google Ads, and other tools.

Performance Marketing Agency - What we offer

GROWSaaS offers your company a variety of different marketing measures to run campaigns on various platforms such as Google, LinkedIn, Xing, Facebook or on third-party portals and implementation of successful corporate communications in B2B and B2C environments, including the following areas:

Search Engine Advertising (SEA)

Keyword Search Campaigns

Keyword-based text ads that appear in search results (SERPs) on Google or Bing.

Display Marketing Campaigns

Banner ads placed on websites across the internet in the vast Google website network to support your branding. We also create banners in house so no need to find another external partner!

Remarketing Campaigns

Retarget visitors to your landing pages or website with display banners on Google Search Network, videos on YouTube or LinkedIn. Return visitors have a 75% higher probability to convert!

Video Campaigns

Video or text ads that appear in front of your target audience's YouTube videos. Don't we all love videos?

Social Media Performance Marketing & Others

Social Media Performance Marketing

Creation of text and video ads, lead ads, event ads for LinkedIn, XING, Facebook, YouTube, Newsletter/email ads, display ads, sponsored posts & articles in order to target the B2B sector with advertisements.

Native Ads

Placement of native ads in the WWW with the help of our extensive partner network (DACH only).

Performance Marketing Agency - Our Process

How to take the step to successful Performance Marketing?

Our process consists of 5 steps that take a campaign from launch to success:

1. Definition of Marketing Goals and KPIs

In order to be able to measure the performance of a Performance Marketing Campaign, it is important to define measurable marketing goals - strictly according to the "SMART" principle. This means that all goals must be "Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely". This is an important basis for running a successful Performance Marketing Campaign. In addition to the goals, we also define the most important KPIs and the billing model/bidding strategy (e.g. CPM, CPC, etc.), which we can use to see exactly whether the goals we have set can be achieved and whether we are on the right track.

2. Choose definition of marketing initiatives (marketing mix) and budget


In order to achieve the goals defined in the first step, in the second step we define the right platforms and the marketing mix of the Performance Marketing Campaign such as search engine advertising (SEA) or display ads. The goals of a company are always decisive, because they determine the selection of marketing measures and the budget required to achieve these goals within a given time frame. The goals and KPIs defined in step 1, on the basis of which we recommend a budget, help here.

5 Steps to Success

1. Definition of Marketing Goals and KPIs

2. Choose definition of Marketing Initiatives (marketing mix) and Budget

3. Setup of Tracking

4. Controlling and Analysis

5. Optimization of the Campaign and Advertising Assets

3. Tracking setup


Setting up the campaign tracking of the Performance Marketing Campaign using cookies, tracking scripts, etc. to measure the campaign results such as conversions, purchases, inquiries, new customers, leads. It is important that the tracking works properly, otherwise the previously defined goals cannot be checked for success. GROWSaaS helps setting up the right tracking and checks whether it works properly. We also provide assistance in creating conversion goals in Google Analytics or installing tracking scripts in Google Tag Manager.

4. Controlling and analysis


An important goal of Performance Marketing is to make the results of marketing measures visible and to continuously check their effectiveness. At GROWSaaS we use tools such as Google Analytics, Google Ads and many more to monitor the performance of our campaigns and to be able to effectively evaluate the effect of individual advertising media. For this purpose, we provide our customers with regular reports, on the basis of which we then discuss, adjust and implement adjustments.

5. Optimization of the campaign and advertising material


With the help of the previously evaluated data, we can make adjustments to the Performance Marketing Campaign or individual advertising media. Important key figures (KPIs) such as the conversion rate (CR) or cost per conversion (CPC) are checked with regard to the defined goals and optimized in the corresponding marketing measures in order to achieve the desired result.

Are you interested in planning and implementing a Performance Marketing Campaign?

Feel free to contact us and we will work with you to develop a concept for a successful Performance Marketing Campaign to put your products or services in the focus of your target group and to support you in acquiring new customers or increasing awareness of your brand - either in German, English or both languages!

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